Sunday, April 1, 2007

I walk the line

I recently lost a bowl of soup. Really good soup. I had it in a tupperware container and was transporting it to my home to eat at my leisure, but it never showed up. I showed up, but the soup was lost along the way somewhere. This raises the question: where's the crazy line, and have I crossed it? (It's a rhetorical question, so stop formulating sassy comments.) Secondly, I'm posting this in solidarity with my pal Tif(f), who recently lost a pair of shoe soles. [] My hope for Tif(f) is that the soles will eventually emerge from hiding and be graciously welcomed back to their shoes, just like the Prodigal Son in that after-school special they played on TV in the 80's. Those were really good shows with valuable life lessons, and they were probably based on true-life events. As for my soup, I'm chalking that up to a valuable life lesson too, that being: some experiences are proof that paranormal phantasma do exist, and have probably ripped a teensy hole in the fabric of space-time, and have stolen my soup.

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