Monday, November 19, 2007

I Just Re-Wrote the Rules to Blog-Tag

Good Ol' Kelly of has "tagged" me, which means I am now to share ten fascinating facts about myself. I never back down from a challenge, Kelly, so I will list five items, and then leave the last five blank so that ALL who read it [This means you, dear reader.] may* post something quirky, unique, or extraordinary about themselves, be it on my comment page, on One's own blog, in a letter to a friend, or in a Letter to the Editor of the newspaper of One's choosing. It seems I just changed the game from Blog-Tag, to Blog-Sharks-and-Minnows. What next from unpredictable me?!
*The use of the word "may" in this case, lends itself to a more steely "is required to".

Five Facts Fascinating:

1. I find the smell of geraniums revolting. The fact is, geraniums really do smell horribly, it's just that nobody wants to admit it because we all have someone in our lives (ie, Mom, Grandma, Auntie) who love, love, loves, geraniums. Well, I'm putting it out there: they stink. (Sorry Mom).

2. My friend Rachel hates fruit pies. (I rather like fruit pies, but I needed something to spice this fact up because "Four Facts Fascinating and One Fact Tepid" is a lame title to this list.) Thanks to Rachel for her contribution to this fascinating fact about me!

3. I've been know to invent new words and use them teauvalenscently in casual, or even prulient conversation. I know, it's so caldezon!

4. Rumors continue to circulate that Tom Selleck is my biological father.

5. I have two sisters and it just so happens that one sister hates the feeling/touch of velvet. She will NOT touch it or be the object of its touch for any reason whatsoever. My exploitation of this knowledge rendered me the nickname "Jennifart". My other sister is very sweet and kind.
